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发表于 2018年3月31日 10:54:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Have you ever bought clothes 2nd-hand? In American, it’s actually quite common to donate clothes, exchange clothes, and also buy outfits at thrift stores and vintage shops. At places like this, you can often find interesting stuff that you wouldn’t be able to find in places selling only the latest fashions.

How can we talk about unique fashion?

"I’m really into vintage clothes these days—vintage brings me back to the 90s." "最近我比较痴迷于老古董式的衣服。"
(If vintage clothes or old clothes 'bring you back', it means they make you remember an earlier time. We often use the word 'nostalgia' when we talk about things that 'bring us back'. Being 'into' something means that we really like it.)

"I’m a 90’s kid, and sometimes I like to go retro and wear something from back then." "我是一个90后,有时候我喜欢穿复古的衣服。"
(We use the word 'kid' to talk about the decade we come from. If most of your childhood was in the 90s, that means you're a '90s kid'. 'Retro' clothes are based on styles from earlier decades, but maybe with a modern twist.)

"90s styles have been making a comeback in modern fashion." "90年代的风格在现代时尚潮流中又卷土重来了。"
(If something makes a 'comeback', that means it is returning to popularity. It wasn't cool before, and now it's becoming cool.)


How can we talk about donating stuff we don’t need?

"If you don’t have any use for it, drop it off at Goodwill."
"如果这些东西对你而言没有任何用了,那就好好地放手吧。 "
('Dropping something off' means taking something somewhere and leaving it there, perhaps for others to take. Americans often take their clothes to Goodwill, a nonprofit for accepting donated clothes, among other things.)

"Whenever I get tired of wearing a shirt or pair of pants, I donate it or sell it to a thrift shop." "一般我穿烦了的衬衫或裤子,我就把它捐了,或者在旧货店里卖掉了。"
(If you 'get tired' of something, that means you don't really like it anymore. You might get tired of your job, your school, or your clothes.)



Thrift store 旧货店
Donation 捐赠
Vintage 古董
Retro 复古的
2nd-hand clothes 二手衣物

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